Category: Civilization

  • My greatest fear

    What am I scared of? Not climate change. It is real, but it’s not happening fast enough to count as the epic disaster some people describe. Not COVID. Actually, I was a bit concerned about long-term health consequences, but expected not to die of it. What I’m really scared about is our civilization self-destructing in…

  • The relationship between Humans and Nature

    Some of my favorite quotes regarding natural consequences: “In the law of God, there is no statute of limitations.” — Robert Lewis Stevenson, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde “Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all our deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and…

  • Are we better than the Inquisition?

    Watched the movie “The Fountain” last night, which contains horrific scenes from the Spanish Inquisition. What makes our modern world different than the “Dark Ages”? Technology Freedom of thought and respect for human rights While these may seem connected (freedom of thought –> science –> technology), they can be separated. The Nazi’s used advanced technology…

  • Propaganda

    I have a number of friends on social media who share political posters. They vary from extreme liberal to extreme conservative. I find all propaganda, regardless of political persuasion, to be irrational. And I hate irrationality more than any specific political view. It doesn’t matter if it’s something you agree with or not. Propaganda is…