Category: Novel

  • Spice & Wolf

    I’ve been home alone for the last couple of days. To fill the time and unwind from the stress of building at Bunker Hill, I started watching a random anime called “Spice & Wolf”. OMG! I’ve become an instant fan. Binge-watched all the episodes, and am now reading a novella that picks up where the…

  • The Golem and the Jinni

    I recently finished the book “The Golem and the Jinni” by Helene Wecker. I read and write hard science fiction, but this book is magic realism, so a bit out of my genre. However, I suspected that the Golem’s story would be much like that of a robotess, and it was. If you change the…

  • “Atlas Shrugged” belongs to all of us

    The title of this post is a deliberately inflammatory reference to my previous post 1984 belongs to all of us. That post offended a few of my readers, in one case specifically because it flew in the face of Ayn Rand’s philosophy. Because of that, I was compelled to read Atlas Shrugged. At the end of…

  • Orwell was wrong

    Among other things, 1984 is a mid-life crisis: Winston is a middle-aged man with declining health, estranged from his wife in a loveless marriage. He realizes that everything he built his life on is wrong, and goes on a journey to figure it out. Along the way he has an affair with a younger woman…

  • 1984 belongs to all of us

    I recently took the plunge and decided to read George Orwell’s 1984. Turns out that because I am a US citizen, I cannot have free access to 1984 until 2044! But that is only if Congress does not pass another law, extending copyright length yet again. I paid to read the book. Along with the…