Category: Cycling

  • Yield to Bikes

    On the way to work today I came to a major intersection where I need to move from the right bike lane several lanes over to make a left-turn. I held out my arm in the standard hand signal for nearly 100 feet, while one car passed me by. Another car was behind him, but…

  • Hand signals

    A few days ago I was biking to work in the back neighborhoods behind my office building, when I came to a stop sign. Meanwhile, a woman was driving a minivan down the other street, the one without a stop sign. I always dread these moments because most drivers don’t know what to do (and…

  • Rainbow

    This morning as I biked to work, the sun caught the back of my glasses and flash-blinded a small streak across my eye. Then most amazing thing happened. As the dazzled spot slowly faded, I saw a rainbow! The glasses must have split the light enough to bleach my cones differently based on color. It…