Yesterday we reached the bind moggling number of 1.4 million new cases reported in a single day. That’s 7x the case rate a year ago during the 3rd wave.
I think the only way this is possible is if people who were immune to the older forms are not immune to the new ones. As long as COVID keeps evolving faster than we can stamp it out, it will be with us.
How do we get ahead of it? Really, all the advice we’ve already received. Everyone knows what that is, and have made their choices based on political identity, so I won’t bother repeating here.
The good news is that our death rate is not any higher than it was during the 3rd wave. This is probably due to better medical understanding of how COVID works, and to vaccinations, which make a substantial (15x to 20x) difference in whether you end up in the hospital.
BTW, Crystal has flu-like symptoms today. My throat is a bit scratchy as well. We suspect it could be the COVID, but have no way to test. The shelves at Walgreens are empty, and scheduling at testing centers is a week out.